BARN Community Church
BARN Community Church
The Barn Community Church is an apostolic prophetic non-denominational church community. We are a movement because we believe that God desires to equip, train, and send into all the world to preach the gospel. We desire to create, build and mobilize family to lead the next generation of the body of Christ from a place of love and rooted and established in the Word of God. Our desire is to welcome people from all walks of life to come and worship Jesus with us. Our dress is casual and on Sunday’s our community fellowships together after worship and the word.
We meet online
and in person.
You can be part of this from basically anywhere in the world. We have people from all different culture and backgrounds and we would love to meet you.
Meet the Leaders.
LaTasha Robinson is an American, an ordained and licensed Apostle - Prophet, involved in prophetic ministry since 2006 and working to train and equip prophetic people and prophets all over the world.
Mrs. Robinson has a heart for creating thriving communities in and outside of the church. Her life’s message about Intimacy with God, Love, and Honor.
She completed a 3-years program from Bethel School of Ministry in 2012 where she was trained in prophetic and healing ministry, inner healing and deliverance, and international missions. She has a Master's Degree in Education from St. John's University and completed her Undergraduate in Psychology at Michigan State University.
LaTasha is currently attending Biola University to acquire her Masters in Divinity with a goal of attaining her PhD.
Finally, she works to see the restoration of communities, healing and inner healing be manifested in people’s hearts, in addition to caring for the poor.
Her global vision and willingness to not run by herself, positioned her, under the accountability of Mark Birch-Machin of Speakers of Life, from the UK. She also is accountable to the Board of Directors for THE BARN OF GOD INTERNATIONAL.
Sally est une jeune femme parisienne passionnée par l’humain. Elle a évolué dans différents secteurs d’activité et notamment celui du social et solidaire. Elle a aussi aidé à la mise en place de différents ministères qu’elle a ensuite soutenus par la prière et le service.
Sally a grandi dans une famille musulmane et a rencontré Jésus en 2006. Cependant ce n'est qu'en 2016 qu'elle fait sa rencontre personnelle avec Dieu le Père. Dès cette rencontre, elle a tout de suite eu à coeur de servir au sein du ministère Catch The Fire Paris, ce qu’elle fera jusqu'en 2020.
Dès lors, elle n’a cessé de parcourir un chemin de restauration qui la guide chaque jour vers plus de liberté et de joie.
Au-delà de sa passion pour la prière et l'intercession, les voyages, la cuisine et les moments de partage autour d’un repas, elle a ce vif désir de voir de nombreuses vies transformées par l’amour du Père.
Depuis 2021, Sally œuvre en tant que directrice de BARNFrance et continue de contribuer au développement international de ce ministère.
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“Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common,” Acts 2:44